Home:ALL Converter>How to cast unsigned int to uint64

How to cast unsigned int to uint64

Ask Time:2013-01-21T04:20:41         Author:Wojciech Sobala

Json Formatter

I would like to convert unsigned int to uint64 inside C function. uint64 is defined in R package int64.


This question is about conversion from C unsigned int data type to uint64 R language data type.

"int64 package has been developped so that 64 bit integer vectors are represented using only R data structures, i.e data is not represented as external pointers to some C++ object. Instead, each 64 bit integer is represented as a couple of regular 32 bit integers, each of them carrying half the bits of the underlying 64 bit integer. This was a choice by design so that 64 bit integer vectors can be serialized and used as data frame columns."

Author:Wojciech Sobala,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14428845/how-to-cast-unsigned-int-to-uint64