Home:ALL Converter>Tweepy get retweeters returning max 100

Tweepy get retweeters returning max 100

Ask Time:2018-01-28T22:21:24         Author:robert patrik

Json Formatter

I am using Tweepy for getting all retweeters of a particular tweet. My code is as follows:

for reTweet in api.retweets(<tweet_id>,100):
      print reTweet

I tried to use pagination using tweepy cursor as follows:

for status in tweepy.Cursor(api.retweets, <tweet_id>).items():

But it is showing

raise TweepError('This method does not perform pagination')

How to get all retweeters of a tweet using Tweepy API?

Author:robert patrik,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48487340/tweepy-get-retweeters-returning-max-100
Juan E. :

If you check the Twitter docs for GET statuses/retweets/:id you will see it says:\n\n\n Returns a collection of the 100 most recent retweets of the Tweet specified by the id parameter.\n\n\nAnd if you check the tweepy code you will see that the function you are using uses that API.\n\n def retweets(self):\n \"\"\" :reference: https://dev.twitter.com/rest/reference/get/statuses/retweets/%3Aid\n :allowed_param:'id', 'count'\n \"\"\"\n return bind_api(\n api=self,\n path='/statuses/retweets/{id}.json',\n payload_type='status', payload_list=True,\n allowed_param=['id', 'count'],\n require_auth=True\n )\n\n\nWhat you could do to get more than the 100 retweets limit, if it's a tweet that is still being retweeted is to call the function several times, as long as you respect the rate limits, and store the unique results from each call. \n\nYou won't be able to get the older retweets if the tweet was retweeted more than 100 times before you start tracking it.",