Home:ALL Converter>Best (standard) way to deploy the libraries for a shiny app to the shiny server?

Best (standard) way to deploy the libraries for a shiny app to the shiny server?

Ask Time:2021-06-18T19:26:09         Author:Player Two

Json Formatter

I'm trying to get a shiny app deployed on Shiny Server. I can do that without any issues, but when trying to deploy an app that has a number of dependencies (remote and local) we keep running into issues.

We used renv to track the dependencies (on the Windows dev box) and rebuild it from scratch on the Linux prod box, but even though the dependencies are rebuilt and some get loaded, others do not. The .Rprofile of the user running the app is pointing to the renv activation script.

For the sake of clarity, we need and want all the R code to be built from the source code on the Linux box.

What is the best or standard way (or even a poor way that works) to deploy the libraries for a shiny app to the shiny server? Is renv even the right tool for this scenario or is there a better tool?

I've tried reading the shiny server documentation and the closes it only mentions that it uses the .Rprofile of the user running the app, but there doesn't seem to be any sort of guide on the best way to deploy dependent libraries.

Author:Player Two,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68034330/best-standard-way-to-deploy-the-libraries-for-a-shiny-app-to-the-shiny-server