Home:ALL Converter>How to connect to RFID Rfideas PCPROX-PLUS reader in Java by Ethernet connection

How to connect to RFID Rfideas PCPROX-PLUS reader in Java by Ethernet connection

Ask Time:2021-06-16T17:39:01         Author:danielu78

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It has two types of RFID readers pcProx Plus. One connected via USB, the other via Ethernet. I managed to correctly connect to the first reader connected via USB, using the com.fazecast.jSerialComm library. I am able to correctly read the number of the card attached to the reader. I would like to do the same, but for a reader connected via Ethernet. In pcProxConfig I'm able to connect to it by entering IP address and port. Is the only solution to purchase the paid SDK https://www.rfideas-shop.com/en/dk-pcprx-download-pcprox-universal-software-develo.html ?

Does anyone have a working example of a program that properly connects to such a reader via Ethernet connection ?

Author:danielu78,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68000115/how-to-connect-to-rfid-rfideas-pcprox-plus-reader-in-java-by-ethernet-connection