Home:ALL Converter>Gitlab ci - pipeline which triggers pipeline in another project, does not finish

Gitlab ci - pipeline which triggers pipeline in another project, does not finish

Ask Time:2021-07-01T16:31:11         Author:David Faizulaev

Json Formatter

I have a gitlab ci which triggers a pipeline in another repository.

That pipeline does finish, but it does not cause the original pipeline to finish as well. This worked up until a few days ago, we did not change anything in our gitlab ci's for both main repository and tests repository.

main repository pipeline - still running

triggered pipeline in another repository already finished

This is how the tests pipeline is triggered:

    - .merge_request_rules
stage: test_on_dev
    TEST_TYPE: ci
    project: <path to>/backend-inregration-tests-repository
    strategy: depend

Gitlab version is GitLab Enterprise Edition 14.1.0-pre e230eeca384

Please advise on how I can resolve this?

Author:David Faizulaev,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68206880/gitlab-ci-pipeline-which-triggers-pipeline-in-another-project-does-not-finish