Home:ALL Converter>Android Studio: create a style from an existing widget

Android Studio: create a style from an existing widget

Ask Time:2020-09-09T19:09:11         Author:CodingFrog

Json Formatter

I have a widget (a TextView) and want to extract its attributes as a style. I could just write the style by hand, but when I have already created a widget with the style I want, it seems a bit silly to recreate it again in XML by hand.

Does anyone know the steps to take in Android Studio to create a style from an existing widget?

I'm pretty sure I've done this once before but have forgotten how.

Author:CodingFrog,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63810376/android-studio-create-a-style-from-an-existing-widget