Home:ALL Converter>GKE is spinning all node pool in one single zone safe?

GKE is spinning all node pool in one single zone safe?

Ask Time:2021-07-16T00:35:54         Author:jlim

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This is a question specifically to public cloud which I'm familiar with such as GCP. Not too sure whether it applies to AWS, Azure, DigitalOcean, or other cloud provider.

So my question is, assuming I have provision 3 Kafka instances, 3 Redis instances (HA) and 3 MongoDB instance. Instead of separating each instance into separate zone, it is safe to provision all instances in one single zone? How stable or how often a cloud provider zone goes down ?

For example


When region us-west1 in zone-a goes down, does that mean all my 3 instances will be down? My question is, has this ever happen in GCP ? If yes, how long does it need to recover in that zone?

instance1 - us-west1-a
instance2 - us-west1-a
instance3 - us-west1-a

In GCP, when we provision GKE regional cluster, there are 2 ways we can provision the node-pool namely:

  • single zone node pool
  • multi zone node pool


Another question is, in what situation we should provision single zone, and when we should provision multizone nodepool.

Author:jlim,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68397630/gke-is-spinning-all-node-pool-in-one-single-zone-safe