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Flutter: build ios failed with no errors

Ask Time:2021-07-07T16:04:00         Author:Emanuele Vinci

Json Formatter

Last week I was able to build without any problems, but now when I try to build for iOS it fails with 165k rows of warnings and no errors. All the warnings talk about deprecated methods in the packages I use, but it has never been a problem until this week. I've not changed any version (flutter, packages, xCode), the only edit that I've made is the firebase messagging configuration, but even if I remove it the build fails. What I've tried:

  • flutter clean
  • remove Podfile.lock
  • undone the edits

Any ideas to solve it?

Author:Emanuele Vinci,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68282232/flutter-build-ios-failed-with-no-errors
Hammad Ali Shah :

Try to run the app with\nFlutter run -v\n\n-v is used to output verbosely so if there are any missing logs it will show there. As you talked about 165k lines of warnings, it may be helpful to search "error:" in the terminal console to find a log about an error.\nI remember once it happened to me and the reason was Pod update.\nWhat exactly does `pod repo update` do?",
Jason :

Try this\n1. open Runner.xcworkspace via xcode\n2. Product tab > Clean build folder\n",