Home:ALL Converter>Default select value for dropdown is not straight forward in Angular 7

Default select value for dropdown is not straight forward in Angular 7

Ask Time:2018-07-26T09:33:08         Author:Arsalan Khalid

Json Formatter

I've been working with Angular 7 recently, and finding some strange stuff happening when trying to display a dropdown list, and showing a default value within this list. Here are two separate lists respectively:


 <select [(ngModel)]="organization" id="organization" required>
          <option *ngFor="let organization of organizations" [value]="organization.id" [ngValue]="organization.name">{{organization.name}}</option>

I find that the above code displays the following in my browser:

enter image description here

Notice how the default value is set in the above, but in the next drop down the default value isn't set:


<select [(ngModel)]="seniorExperience" id="seniorExperience" required>
          <option *ngFor="let seniorExperience of seniorExperiences" [value]="seniorExperience.seniorExperienceId" [ngValue]="seniorExperience.seniorExperienceName">{{seniorExperience.seniorExperienceName}}</option>

The browser displays the following:

enter image description here

Why is the second dropdown not populated with the a default, whilst following the same syntax? From searching and reading docs I presumed that [ngValue] sets the default value of the dropdown, which seems to work for the first dropdown. Is there a better way to set the default select?

Author:Arsalan Khalid,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51529761/default-select-value-for-dropdown-is-not-straight-forward-in-angular-7