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CLOB in Postgresql

Ask Time:2021-05-11T18:05:11         Author:javauser35

Json Formatter

I'm trying to migrate from Oracle to Postgresql database.

I have some clob column types at Oracle DB:

Here is my questions.

  1. Is the TEXT type equivelant for the CLOB in ORACLE DB?

  2. Are there any risk for directly convert it to the TEXT? I think TEXT limit is 1gb for the POSTGRE and CLOB limit is 4GB in Oracle?

Author:javauser35,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67484575/clob-in-postgresql
Shelby Carpenter :

Yes, TEXT is a good equivalent in PostgreSQL to CLOB in Oracle. But max size for TEXT is roughly 1GB whereas max for CLOB is 4GB.",