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Visual studio shortcut keys equivalent to eclipse shortcut keys

Ask Time:2011-02-22T04:27:48         Author:KTrum

Json Formatter

I use both eclipse and visual studio (2008 right now) a lot. But there are some shortcut keys from eclipse that I really miss in Visual Studio that I haven't been able to locate. Does anyone know if these exists in Visual Studio?

Being able to search in your open window tabs - this is Ctrl+E in eclipse I think? I know you can navigate, but not search.

open type
open type heirarchy
open resource
move selected lines up or down (Alt+Up/Down)
move to last edited line
(NOT Ctrl+- / Ctrl+Shift+- in VS and not Ctrl+Z, which only works if you're in the same file?)

If they don't exist, anyone got a good resource on how you can program shortcuts yourself for VS?

Author:KTrum,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5070911/visual-studio-shortcut-keys-equivalent-to-eclipse-shortcut-keys
outcoldman :

Just published new extension for Visual Studio:\nMeet IntelliCommand (Visual Studio 2010/2012 extension)",
Mike B :

This may help you for the moving of selected lines: Visual Studio: hotkeys to move line up/down and move through recent changes\n\nStill searching on the others.",
Dennis :

There is an \"AsEclipse\" plugin that should provide most functionality:\n\nhttps://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/99ede732-544c-4f3b-8e38-49e4b8395075",
B5A7 :

I am a first time user of VS. Open Resource and Open Type look to be pretty well covered by Search in Solution Explorer, which is accessed using Ctrl+;",
Vignesh Ravi :

\n\nGo to Settings keymaps and search for eclipse.\nIf you install Eclipse Keymap from Alphabot Security plugin in VS Code.\nIt has most of the shortcut from eclipse.",
jNayden :

install telerik justcode... it has all shortcuts you just need to change them to be like in eclipse ... works like a charm after 15mins",
thersch :

I'm not sure if following are VS or ReSharper shortcuts:\nopen type heirarchy: Ctrl+E, Ctrl+H\nmove selected lines up or down: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT",