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DocuSign Connect Callback Failure

Ask Time:2021-11-11T04:39:45         Author:Tri Nguyen

Json Formatter

I'm running into the issue when I'm trying to test the callback with my public url in demo developer account, and I got this failure

https://xxx.xxx.xxx/docusign/inbound/message :: Error - Connect Listener Uri reference to internal DocuSign sites is not allowed

However, when I'm testing with public webhook url from the website https://webhook.site/ and it's working properly.

Anyone knows what might cause the issue?

Author:Tri Nguyen,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69919940/docusign-connect-callback-failure
Inbar Gazit :

This error is misleading as it also occurs when you use a local address.\nYour address must not be your local device, it must be a server on the internet and one that is not DocuSign IP address.",