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Notify Java from new JNI thread

Ask Time:2021-11-08T20:13:48         Author:Павел

Json Formatter

I made a Java program which calls JNI, and in JNI it creates a "JNICallback" thread and executes in it env-attachCurrentThreadAsDaemon()

My goal is to notify from JNICallback thread, the another pure Java thread. I do standard things like synchronized -> wait, synchronized -> notifyAll, using static final Object as a sync. If I run it under Eclipse, everything works fine.

But if I export it as a "runnable jar file" and run under same JVM, I see my JNI program invokes monitorEnter, notifyAll, monitorExit with no errors, but Java doesnt notified. In the debugger I see different ObjectId's for the very same object used from JNI and from Java, this is suspicious for me (it is names onConnectEvent in the code below) I even move notification code from JNI to Java, and use a static void method call from JNI, doing synchronize->notifyAll in Java, but this only shows me that waiting thread waits on different ObjectId, so I guess this is the reason.

    static final Object onConnectEvent = new Object();
    Thread dogServerConnect,...;
    public MainClass(){
        dogServerConnect = runDog(new ServerConnectionWatchDog(), "onServerConnect");
    static void onJNICallbackEvent(int type) {
        switch (type) {
        case 1 -> {
            synchronized(onConnectEvent) {
                 ^^^^^ got to this line from JNI, just fine
    class ServerConnectionWatchDog implements Runnable {
        public void run() {
                synchronized(onConnectEvent) {
                    try {
                        for (var l : listeners) {
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ never come to this line

again, this is really works well under Eclipse, but for some reason fails as separate jar file. Why could same final static object have a different instance ids for different threads, or it's just fine nowadays?

I mean for the waiting thread Eclipse shows me "waiting for: Object (id=48)" and for the native thread on before "notifyAll" execution it shows me "owns: Object (id=50)". Maybe this is because I manually pause the waiting thread, to see object id (then run it again, this doesn't the cause) What could I miss?

Author:Павел,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69883285/notify-java-from-new-jni-thread