Home:ALL Converter>How should implement multi-thread in single-threaded Operating system using java?

How should implement multi-thread in single-threaded Operating system using java?

Ask Time:2010-11-25T15:35:25         Author:SIVAKUMAR.J

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How should implement multi-thread in single-threaded Operating system using java?

Java supports "Multi-threading".Is there is any way run the multiple threads (Implementing multi threading) using java in a Single-threaded Operating system (That is the operating system does not support for multi-threading).

Author:SIVAKUMAR.J,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4274662/how-should-implement-multi-thread-in-single-threaded-operating-system-using-java
Tobias :

Sure you can do this, but nevertheless they will processed (within the CPU) one after another...",
Marcelo Cantos :

Only if the Java implementation lets you. Early JVMs had user-space threads, but they moved to OS threads some time ago. If you are on a single-threaded OS, I suppose it's possible the JVM you are using still has user-space threading.",