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Supporting small devices

Ask Time:2011-03-11T03:55:48         Author:Chris

Json Formatter

Hey, I'm new and learning Android by making an app as a project for my school. I've run into a problem where it's not working on smaller QVGA devices. It's cut off at the bottom. I have read the official Dev guide about supporting different screen sizes and guess I don't fully understand what's going on.

The code I have uses a relative layout and (dip) units only.

The layout looks great on the medium HVGA phone and make use of the space. Of course it scales up to large screens fine with a little extra space and my understanding would be that it would get smaller fit and work on small devices. Can it not look exactly the same relative to the phones screen?

Here are some screen shots of the the QVGA and HVGA emulation.

Note: the low-quality/incorrect images are just place holders for now. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b183/CraZboyz/Mischosting/CDQVGA.jpg

Author:Chris,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5265137/supporting-small-devices
Brandon :

One possible fix for this, since it seems to be alright side-to-side, is to implement a ScrollView. It will allow users to scroll down on smaller phones, and won't affect the larger screens that don't need to scroll. ",