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How to use distinct with group by in Linq to SQL

Ask Time:2010-08-27T04:32:16         Author:Marco

Json Formatter

I'm trying to convert the following sql to Linq 2 SQL:

select groupId, count(distinct(userId)) from processroundissueinstance 
group by groupId

Here is my code:

var q = from i in ProcessRoundIssueInstance
    group i by i.GroupID into g
    select new
        Key = g.Key,
        Count = g.Select(x => x.UserID).Distinct().Count()

When I run the code, I keep getting Invalid GroupID. Any ideas? Seems the distinct is screwing things up..

Here is the generated sql:

SELECT [t1].[GroupID] AS [Key], (
    FROM [ProcessRoundIssueInstance] AS [t2]
    WHERE (([t1].[GroupID] IS NULL) AND ([t2].[GroupID] IS NULL)) 
       OR (([t1].[GroupID] IS NOT NULL) 
            AND ([t2].[GroupID] IS NOT NULL) 
            AND ([t1].[GroupID] = [t2].[GroupID]))
    ) AS [t3]
) AS [Count]
    SELECT [t0].[GroupID]
    FROM [ProcessRoundIssueInstance] AS [t0]
    GROUP BY [t0].[GroupID]
    ) AS [t1]

Author:Marco,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3579246/how-to-use-distinct-with-group-by-in-linq-to-sql
Rodney S. Foley :

I think Basiclife is close, but checking if the id is empty may not be the issue or enough, you should check to make sure it is not null before doing the group since you said it is a nullable field. Otherwise it looks right, and if you are having issues you may have bad data, or it is a bug or not fully implemented feature of Linq to SQL, and you may want to try Linq to Entity.\n\nvar q = from i in ProcessRoundIssueInstance\n where i.GroupID != null\n && i.GroupID != string.Empty\n group i by i.GroupID into g \n select new\n {\n Key = g.Key,\n Count = g.Select(x => x.UserID).Distinct().Count()\n };\n",
Dave Swersky :

According to this post, your code looks correct:\n\nLINQ to SQL using GROUP BY and COUNT(DISTINCT)\n\nHave you tried inspecting the SQL that is generated?",
James Curran :

There appears to be a whole bunch of goop in the generated SQL to deal with the GroupID being NULL. If that a possiblity? IF not, try changing the definition to make it NOT NULL.",
Basic :

Try a where clause to eliminate spurious Ids after the join...\n\nvar q = from i in ProcessRoundIssueInstance\n where i.GroupID != \"\"\n group i by i.GroupID into g\n select new\n {\n Key = g.Key,\n Count = g.Select(x => x.UserID).Distinct().Count()\n };\n",