Home:ALL Converter>Accessing an RFID reader via a computer from a server

Accessing an RFID reader via a computer from a server

Ask Time:2011-08-15T10:05:54         Author:Protocole

Json Formatter

On a computer I want to run a web-based application which is served by a server and this application have to access an RFID reader.

I have set this computer to connect to the server via wireless LAN and connect to the RFID reader via an Ethernet cable (tried both straight through and crossover cable). The reader cannot connect to the server directly because of the mobility needed.

Setting up the connection appear in the image below. The server assigned IP address for the computer using DHCP. Connection between the computer and the reader have set by static.

enter image description here

Clearly, the computer can access both the server and the reader but the server cannot access the reader as I needed.


The application is developed using Python with Django framework. To connect to the reader I just simply used socket.

import socket

HOST = ''
PORT = 50007
soc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
soc.connect((HOST, PORT))

Author:Protocole,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7061100/accessing-an-rfid-reader-via-a-computer-from-a-server
user784540 :

I would implement a java-applet and upload it on the server. When user opens a page from this server, java applet loads and starts working. Applet is running on the user's computer context and can access RFID reader, and pass this information to the server.\n\nIf accessing RFID-reader requires to involve dll-libraries or any native OS modules, then this applet has to be signed. Use keytool and jarsigner tools from Java SDK to sign the applet before uploading it to the server.\n\nHere you can find information on java networking.\n\nAnd here you can find information on java applet technology",