Home:ALL Converter>Leaving a data array (Font) in FLASH - PROGMEM in AVR GCC

Leaving a data array (Font) in FLASH - PROGMEM in AVR GCC

Ask Time:2011-11-26T12:01:32         Author:mriksman

Json Formatter

Ahhh, PROGMEM, pointers, pointers to pointers, addresses of pointers... My head boggles.

I have a data array for the font in question

const uint8_t dejaVuSans9ptBitmaps[] = 
    /* @0 ' ' (5 pixels wide) */
    0x00, /*          */
    0x00, /*          */

to which I have added PROGMEM

const uint8_t dejaVuSans9ptBitmaps[] PROGMEM =

This is referenced in another structure like so;

const FONT_INFO dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo = {
   ' ',

The structure is defined as;

typedef struct {
   const uint8_t           height;       
   const uint8_t           startChar;    
   const uint8_t           endChar;      
   const FONT_CHAR_INFO*   charInfo;    
   const uint8_t*          data;         

Am I correct in assuming this needs to change to;

typedef struct {
   const uint8_t           height;       
   const uint8_t           startChar;    
   const uint8_t           endChar;      
   const FONT_CHAR_INFO*   charInfo;    
   const PGM_P             data;         

When I do so, it complains that

warning: pointer targets in initialization differ in signedness

For this particular line in the FONT_INFO variable;

const FONT_INFO dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo = {
    ' ',
--> dejaVuSans9ptBitmaps, <--

It is then drawn using the function;

void drawString(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t color, const FONT_INFO *fontInfo, char *str) {
    drawCharBitmap(currentX, y, color, &fontInfo->data[charOffset], charWidth, fontInfo->height);

Which finally draws the glyph;

void drawCharBitmap(const uint16_t xPixel, const uint16_t yPixel, uint16_t color, const uint8_t *glyph, uint8_t cols, uint8_t rows) {
      if (glyph[indexIntoGlyph] & (0X80)) drawPixel(currentX, currentY, color);

I am in over my head :/ Can anyone give me some direction? I have spent hours trying to use PGM_P, and pgm_read_byte etc to no avail - I always get garbage on the screen.

Save me!

Author:mriksman,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8276172/leaving-a-data-array-font-in-flash-progmem-in-avr-gcc
mriksman :

OK, I think I understand what is going on here.\n\nFirst, const uint8_t* data is a pointer to the data stored in PROGMEM.\n\nIn the function void drawString(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t color, const FONT_INFO *fontInfo, char *str) we pass a pointer to fontInfo.\n\nTo continue, the following is important to understand;\n\nfontInfo.data\n(*ptr_to_fontInfo).data\nptr_to_fontInfo->data\n\n\nare all the same. So ptr_to_fontInfo->data returns the data (not address)\n\nThen using the & operator, we pass the 'address of' this data to the next function\n\ndrawCharBitmap(currentX, y, color, \n &fontInfo->data[charOffset], charWidth, fontInfo->height)\n\n\nThis address is stored in the declared pointer variable unint8_t *glyph here;\n\nvoid drawCharBitmap(const uint16_t xPixel, const uint16_t yPixel, \n uint16_t color, const uint8_t *glyph, uint8_t cols, uint8_t rows)\n\n\nKeeping this in mind;\n\nint *ptr;\nint a;\n\nptr = &a;\n\n\nThen glyph now points to the same address as fontInfo->data[charOffset].\n\nThe next thing to know is;\n\n\n a[b] in C is just a fancy way for writing *(a + b)\n\n\nSo glyph being a pointer, when used like this glyph[indexIntoGlyph], it is the same as *(glyph + indexIntoGlyph), and the dereferencing operator * means we get the data at that address. \n\nFrom there, we can use the pgm rules as wex described;\n\n\n If the variable is in PROGMEM, you use pgm_read_byte() as a\n replacement for the dereference operator *. For \"normal\" variables in\n RAM you can always write *(&a) instead of just a to return the value\n of the variable a; so to return a 8-bit wide variable from progmem you\n write pgm_read_byte(&x).\n\n\nHope this explanation is correct and helps people (newbies like me!) understand it a bit better.",