Home:ALL Converter>transparent sprite with event mouseover

transparent sprite with event mouseover

Ask Time:2011-12-28T02:56:49         Author:7vingt

Json Formatter

I have a actionscript "Sprite" class which load a transparent png.
When i set a "mouseover" event over the Script, it is throw when the mouse goes over the "square" containing the transparent png.

I would like a glow effect to be displayed on mouseover, but only when the mouse is on the displayable part of my transparent .png.

How can i do to throw the event only when the mouse is not over the transparent part of the png? Do i have to check by myself in the mouseover handler then do what i have to do?

Thank you ...

Author:7vingt,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8648209/transparent-sprite-with-event-mouseover