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Android: Supporting multiple screen sizes within same size category

Ask Time:2012-08-11T06:43:20         Author:capcom

Json Formatter

I am really confused about supporting multiple screen sizes/resolutions/densities etc.

Here's the dilemma:

I am breaking my application's GUI into four categories - small, normal, large, Xlarge.

So the phone I am testing on is a normal screen size, 3.2" HTC MyTouch3G. Now, I also found out that a 3.7" screen is also called normal - among some other sizes.

How can I possibly go about supporting so many different screen sizes?

My application's main layout is wrapped in a ScrollView. To test things out, I made the normal sized layout to look right on a 3.7" screen (recall my phone is 3.2"). When I installed the app on my phone, the whole view scrolls because all the graphics are too big. But it won't scroll horizontally, everything was resized horizontally but not vertically.

So is there any way for me to design the app to fit all screen sizes within a category like normal or large?


Author:capcom,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11910164/android-supporting-multiple-screen-sizes-within-same-size-category