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Two Processes in Virtual Memory

Ask Time:2012-01-25T05:39:02         Author:Utkarsh Srivastav

Json Formatter

I have read about virtual memory . I have a doubt .Suppose there are two processes P and Q . Both will have same virtual memory addressing . They both have their page tables . There will be a system wide page table .then how are these two processes distinguished on RAM if we use a system wide page table ?

Author:Utkarsh Srivastav,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8994571/two-processes-in-virtual-memory
Keith Nicholas :

Each process has a virtual address space which has a mapping to physical memory but then can also be virtualized to, typically, disk.",
sameer :

It is because virtual address is split into user and kernel space. After boot process is started, paging unit is enabled which suddenly jumps into kernel space virtual address and finally it passes the control to user space. System wide page table is for kernel and each process has its own page table.\n\nWhen it runs into kernel it uses kernel page table and when switched back to user, it uses user process page table.\n\nEach process has its own page table and thus it differentiate the two process",