Home:ALL Converter>error C4430, C2143, and C2244 for a function in my template class

error C4430, C2143, and C2244 for a function in my template class

Ask Time:2012-11-11T10:10:19         Author:Ryan Taite

Json Formatter

I'm trying to make a function that takes a templated type and adds it to the end of the list/array and I'm running into an error that I can't seem to find a way around. I'm new to templates so I'm not sure if it's a problem with how I'm using templates or something else.

Here is the relative portion of code that I have:

// MyArray.h

// insure that this header file is not included more than once
#pragma once
#ifndef MYARRAY_H_
#define MYARRAY_H_

template <class elemType>
class MyArray
  int _size;        // number of elements the current instance is holding
  int _capacity;    // number of elements the current instance can hold
  int _top;         // Location of the top element (-1 means empty)
  elemType * list;  // ptr to the first element in the array

// Ctors
    MyArray(); // default
    MyArray(int capacity); // initialize to capacity
    MyArray( MyArray & original); // copy constructor

// Dtor

// Add
    // Takes an argument of the templated type and
    // adds it to the end of the list/array
    void Add(const elemType & elem);

// =============================================================================

/* ... */

// Add
    // Takes an argument of the templated type and
    // adds it to the end of the list/array
    template <class T>
    void MyArray<T>::Add(const elemType & elem)  // error C4430 and C2143
        list[ _size + 1 ] = elem; // Place item on the bottom of the stack
    } // error C2244


And I'm getting these errors:

Error   1   error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int               c:\...\myarray.h    80  1   Testing_Grounds
Error   2   error C2143: syntax error : missing ',' before '&'                                                      c:\...\myarray.h    80  1   Testing_Grounds
Error   3   error C2244: 'MyArray<elemType>::Add' : unable to match function definition to an existing declaration  c:\...\myarray.h    83  1   Testing_Grounds

Any help with this would be much appreciated!

Author:Ryan Taite,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13327994/error-c4430-c2143-and-c2244-for-a-function-in-my-template-class
Nawaz :

template <class T>\n void MyArray<T>::Add(const elemType & elem) // error C4430 and C2143\n {\n //...\n } \n\n\nHere what is elemType (in the function parameter)? It should be T. Or T should be elemType.\n\ntemplate <class T>\nvoid MyArray<T>::Add(const T & elem) //fixed!\n{\n //...\n}\n\n\nNote that the definition of the class template members should be in the header file itself, not in the .cpp file. ",