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Sin, cos etc for Python 2 Decimal?

Ask Time:2012-06-08T23:31:23         Author:Mark

Json Formatter

In Python 2.6, I found that the Decimal equivalent of sqrt(pi) is


Is there anything like that for sin, cos or other (inverse) trigonometric functions?

The docs only mention how to calculate cos and sin computationally. Decimal(pi).cos() doesn't exist nor does from decimal import cos

Update: the problem with using the default trigonometric functions is that it defeats the point of using Decimal if I convert them from float and back every time I want to calculate something. (Also typing Decimal around every calculation is annoying, but I guess I could make a wrapper function)

Author:Mark,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10951795/sin-cos-etc-for-python-2-decimal
the wolf :

The trig functions are in the math module\n\nSo:\n\n>>> decimal.Decimal(math.cos(0.1))\nDecimal('0.99500416527802570954008842818439006805419921875')\n\n\nIf you are looking for multi precision math library in Python that supports trig functions, Decimal isn't it. Take a look at mpmath. Mpmath supports trig function at arbitrary precision; decimal does not. ",
dan-boa :

Please refer to this.\n\nhttp://docs.python.org/library/decimal.html#decimal-recipes",
casevh :

The Decimal library was intended to support properly rounded, base-10 arithmetic primarily for financial calculations where precise control of rounding is required. It was not intended to be a general-purpose arbitrary precision library.\n\nIf you need a general purpose arbitrary precision library, look at mpmath or gmpy2.",