Home:ALL Converter>Assigning tasks to workers of different skill level

Assigning tasks to workers of different skill level

Ask Time:2022-02-11T04:06:23         Author:John

Json Formatter

Suppose we have a stream of nonidentical tasks that flow in and a set of nonidentical workers to handle them.

To simplify, let's say there are K types of tasks and N workers.

Each worker will take a different amount of time to handle each of the K types of tasks (we can represent the time it takes in a N x K matrix, which is assumed to be known).

Given the distribution of task inflow (say Poisson with some parameter and each task is equally likely to be one of the K tasks), what's an algorithm that will minimize the average wait time of the tasks?


Author:John,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71071615/assigning-tasks-to-workers-of-different-skill-level