Home:ALL Converter>Publish timeout in Windows Azure on VS 2012

Publish timeout in Windows Azure on VS 2012

Ask Time:2013-04-19T21:47:39         Author:Vivek Mohan

Json Formatter

Website publish to Windows Azure from VS 2012 is throwing an error

Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web
Could not complete the request to remote agent URL 'https://waws-prod-hk1-001.publish.azurewebsites.windows.net/msdeploy.axd?site=approck'. The operation has timed out

I think some config file is needed to update <servicePointManager expect100Continue="false" /> value. But dont know which exe is running for publish wizard. Does anyone faced this issue?

Author:Vivek Mohan,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16106163/publish-timeout-in-windows-azure-on-vs-2012