Home:ALL Converter>UDP packets not displayed in Wireshark

UDP packets not displayed in Wireshark

Ask Time:2013-06-14T12:05:10         Author:afxgx

Json Formatter

I have an embedded jetty server(server1) which sends UDP packets as trigger to receive a message from another server(server2). server1 then waits for a message from server2. This message is then validated and processed further.

From testing the server1, I saw that some times server2 doesnot send messages on receiving a trigger from server1. So I tried analyzing it with Wireshark.

When I gave the capture filter as UDP, it is not showing any packets even though at the server1 I received some packets.

But when I gave the IP address of the server to which request is sent, it is showing some HTTP and TCP packets.
What could be the reason?

The jetty server(server1) is using DatagramPacket for sending requests. Won't this be sent by UDP itself?

Is there any settings in Wireshark which is preventing from displaying UDP messages?

Author:afxgx,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17100907/udp-packets-not-displayed-in-wireshark