Home:ALL Converter>Is there any official Docker images for Hadoop?

Is there any official Docker images for Hadoop?

Ask Time:2016-07-19T08:23:21         Author:Klaus Ma

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Does anyone where's the official docker images for Hadoop, e.g. YARN, HDFS? I'd like to use them within a docker image.

Author:Klaus Ma,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38447786/is-there-any-official-docker-images-for-hadoop
RtmY :

It's important to check if the chosen image includes only Hadoop. (I'm not sure about Cloudera image mentioned above).\nCheck out the alternatives below:\n\nSequenceiq: \nImage (+1M pulls)\nGithub repo.\nSite\nPull with:\ndocker pull sequenceiq/hadoop-docker\n\nUhopper:\nImage(1M+ pulls)\nBitbucket repo\nSite\nPull with:\ndocker pull uhopper/hadoop\n\nBig data europe:\nImage (10K+ pulls)\nGithub repo\nSite\nPull with:\ndocker pull bde2020/hadoop-base\n\nParrot Stream:\nImage (1.2K+ pulls)\nGithub repo\nSite\nPull with:\ndocker pull parrotstream/hadoop\n\n\n\nBonus:\nCheck out this tutorial on how to build Hadoop docker image.",
cxx ocm :

Yes, there is an official one now: https://hub.docker.com/r/apache/hadoop",
Kyle Anderson :

There is not currently an official Hadoop Docker image, but there are many User contributed images on the Docker Hub, including this one with over 100K Pulls.",
Binary Nerd :

Cloudera now provide their Quickstart VM as a Docker image for single-node deployments: \n\n\ncloudera/quickstart on Dockerhub\nDocker is the New QuickStart Option for Apache Hadoop and Cloudera (blog post)\n",