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Postgresql - delete on cascade not deleting from a child table

Ask Time:2022-03-07T23:35:34         Author:Ludwig

Json Formatter

I have tables master_bill and master_bill_order_leg and order_leg. MasterBill and OrderLeg have many to many relationship.

This is the quick documentation from IntelliJ for the DB tables.

Table master_bill:

create table master_bill
    id                    bigint                                 not null
        primary key,
    mb_no                 bigint                                 not null,
    created_by            text                                   not null,
    updated_by            text                                   not null,
    created_at            timestamp with time zone default now() not null,
    updated_at            timestamp with time zone default now() not null

Table master_bill_order_leg:

create table master_bill_order_leg
    mb_id               bigint
        references master_bill
            on delete cascade,
    order_leg_id        bigint
        references order_leg
            on delete cascade,
    constraint master_bill_order_mb_id_order_leg_id_key
        unique (mb_id, order_leg_id)

Table order_leg:

create table order_leg
    id             bigserial
        primary key,
    created_by     text                                   not null,
    updated_by     text                                   not null,
    created_at     timestamp with time zone default now() not null,
    updated_at     timestamp with time zone default now() not null,
    constraint order_leg_unique_c
        unique (flight_id, flight_date, departure_iata, arrival_iata)

I have set the foreign keys and they look like this:

Table master_bill_order_leg

master_bill_order_leg_mb_id_fkey (mb_id) -> master_bill(id)
master_bill_order_leg_order_leg_id_fkey (order_leg_id) -> order_leg(id)

I thought that if I delete a row from the parent master_bill table that all relevant rows from the child table master_bill_order_leg would be deleted too because of foreign keys that are set with on delete cascade. So, I have tried with deleting a row from master_bill table:

FROM master_bill
WHERE id = :mbId

But, then I get an error:

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: update or delete on table "master_bill" violates foreign key constraint "master_bill_order_leg_mb_id_fkey" on table "master_bill_order_leg" Detail: Key (id)=(1076) is still referenced from table "master_bill_order_leg".

Why do I get this error, what am I doing wrong here?

If I run this query directly from the query console then a row is deleted from the table master_bill and a child table master_bill_order_leg.

Author:Ludwig,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71383523/postgresql-delete-on-cascade-not-deleting-from-a-child-table