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use nodejs to query mysql database

Ask Time:2013-12-26T14:59:50         Author:Arnold

Json Formatter

I use mysql module nodejs-mysql I have two tables, Their struct is like this:

Table nicks

id   |nick   |
1    |Arnold |
2    |Bob    |

Table order

nick   |money |
Arnold |12    |
Arnold |43    |
Arnold |3     |
Bob    |32    |
Bob    |2     |

I want get a json object whose struct is like this:

   {id:1, nick:'Arnold', order:[{money:12},{money:43},{money:3}]},
   {id:2, nick:'Bob', order[{money:32},{money:2}]}

so what should I do?I use nodejs

what I have try:

   var mysql      = require('mysql');
   var connection = mysql.createConnection({
      host     : 'example.org',
      db       : 'db'
      user     : 'user',
      password : 'secret'
   connection.query('select * from nicks',function(err,data){
       //here I travese the data array,and select the order table to get the money filed data.


I know how to create a query with node.js, I just don't know a method to get the results I want.I don't know how to make a proper query.

Author:Arnold,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20780587/use-nodejs-to-query-mysql-database
robertklep :

Here's another solution:\n\nvar mysql = require('mysql');\nvar conn = mysql.createConnection({\n host : 'localhost',\n database : 'test',\n});\n\nvar query = ' \\\nSELECT id, nicks.nick, GROUP_CONCAT(money) AS money \\\nFROM nicks, orders \\\nWHERE orders.nick = nicks.nick \\\nGROUP BY id';\n\nconn.query(query, function(err, rows, fields) {\n rows.forEach(function(row) {\n row.order = row.money.toString().split(',').map(function(value) {\n return { money : Number(value) };\n });\n delete row.money;\n });\n // as an example, we'll print the object as JSON\n console.log(JSON.stringify(rows, null, 2));\n});\n",