Home:ALL Converter>Sending UDP Packets from Wireshark / tshark

Sending UDP Packets from Wireshark / tshark

Ask Time:2014-03-11T17:52:19         Author:distributed

Json Formatter

I am working with a "real time" data analysis toolchain which is separated into two parts. The first part fetches the data to be analyzed, packs it into a UDP packet and sends it to another host. The second part, running on the aforementioned host, receives the UDP packets and performs analysis on the received packets. By "real time" I mean that the output of the analysis toolchain should appear live to a human user, thus latencies of up to 100 ms are acceptable.

I am looking into making a new data source available to the receiving part. The data that I am looking for are being transferred on an Ethercat bus, which I can sniff. Wireshark/tshark have a dissector for Ethercat packets. With that said, it's really simple to get at the data in a script running within Wireshark/tshark. Since I have little control over the second part of the analysis, I cannot readily modify the second part to sniff Ethercat frames via pcap or somesuch.

Is it possible to send UDP packets from a script running in Wireshark/tshark?

Author:distributed,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22322082/sending-udp-packets-from-wireshark-tshark