Home:ALL Converter>MariaDB 10 Galera Cluster or Downgrade?

MariaDB 10 Galera Cluster or Downgrade?

Ask Time:2014-01-26T18:47:13         Author:user3237304

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i have some questions about MariaDB. Maybe anyone can help me. I have two servers and want to loadbalance via DNS (Round Robin). Round Robin is configured. Now i want to setup a multi master replication with MariaDB. The Problem that i have is i already have installed on the first server MariaDB in the version 10, but i saw that MariaDB Galera Cluster is only available for 5.5. What would be the best way to setup the MariaDB Galera Cluster? Downgrade or is a Cluster Version for 10 available?

Author:user3237304,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21362443/mariadb-10-galera-cluster-or-downgrade