Home:ALL Converter>Using angular-ui-routing, why is my express routing not working?

Using angular-ui-routing, why is my express routing not working?

Ask Time:2014-07-29T12:57:36         Author:courtyen

Json Formatter

I am using angular-ui/ui-routing. The problem lies with either my angular routing, or my server routing, I don't know which. My express routing is this:

var compositions = require('../controllers/comptroller');    
module.exports = function(Compositions, app, auth) {

        .post(auth.requiresLogin, compositions.createCritique);


    .post(auth.requiresLogin, compositions.createCritique);

   // .get(compositions.profile)
    .post(auth.requiresLogin, compositions.fileUpload);

and my angular routing is this:

  .state('all compositions', {
    url: '/compositions/recent',
    templateUrl: 'compositions/views/list.html'
state('create comp', {
    url: '/compositions/create',
    templateUrl: 'compositions/views/create.html',
     resolve: {
            loggedin: checkLoggedin
state('myuser', {
    url: '/users',
    templateUrl: 'compositions/views/profile.html',
     resolve: {
            loggedin: checkLoggedin

I am using a state machine to handle routing. When I navigate to localhost:3000/#!/users I receive my profile.html template, which is what I want. However, the GET request on my express route never gets called. I am trying to get the function 'showProfile' but it never hits the function. UNLESS, I navgiate to localhost:3000/users, then the function, showProfile gets called, but the template, profile.html does not. Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong? I need to get to the showProfile function in order to query my mongo database. Any advice or help is appreciated, thank you.

EDIT: Interesting to note, if I were to put compositions.showProfile in another app.route, I hit the backend function, and load the template. It's for this route, /users, it does not seem to work.

Author:courtyen,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25008478/using-angular-ui-routing-why-is-my-express-routing-not-working