Home:ALL Converter>Jquery change selected option trouble

Jquery change selected option trouble

Ask Time:2014-11-19T09:16:28         Author:warfreak92

Json Formatter

I am having troubles with <select options> tags in HTML.

I am trying to change the value of the select dropdown using jQuery and Javascript so that I can do something in AJAX calls using the selected value of the dropdown. However, upon changing that and then I would like to revert back to the old value that I have selected before changing it, there are problems that arise... I can still pick/select values from the dropdown options, but the value displayed in the <select option> button/form box is the last value that I have placed there.

Is there a way for me to fix this? Here is my code below.

//retrieving value of the selected option
var selBlock = $("#block_name option:selected").text();

//changing the value of the selected option from the dropdown to the very first option
$("#block_name").change(function() {
    $("#block_name option:first").attr('selected','selected');  

//changing back the value of the selected option on the dropdown by reverting to the old value saved in selBlock

    document.getElementById('block_name').value = selBlock;

This is a way for me to achieve a real-time effect by simply changing the options selected in the dropdown, since changing it will invoke an AJAX call and retrieve new values from the database. I choose not to use SSE or AJAX long polling since I know that it will stress our server.

Author:warfreak92,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27007286/jquery-change-selected-option-trouble