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Liquibase generating changelog of SQL Server

Ask Time:2015-02-17T23:33:19         Author:gjoris

Json Formatter

I'm trying to do a reverse engineering of an existing SQL Server database, to start using Liquibase for database updates. I'm using the Maven plugin to do generateChangeLog on the different databases, but one of the databases gives me this error:

view with liquibase.statement.core.GetViewDefinitionStatement@7640a5b1: Error executing SQL exec sp_helptext 'dbo.TableName': There is no text for object 'dbo.TableName'.

Mind you, I interchanged the actual table name with TableName.

I have been using all SQL Server JDBC drivers I could find, the JTDS as well as the Microsoft drivers. All give me this error.

From what I've gathered here, there is some corruption in the existing database. Is there any way to either fix or circumvent this? Mind you, all I'm trying to do, is generate a database changelog out of this, so we can use it locally to quickly set up a developers database.

Author:gjoris,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28565074/liquibase-generating-changelog-of-sql-server