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DB2-clob data to PostgreSQL

Ask Time:2014-04-24T22:20:15         Author:Chirota

Json Formatter

We are planning to move data in DB2(28) to PostgreSQL(9.2).

We have already created database schema and tables in PostgreSQL. I am able to do data export from DB2 to csv format.

For importing data in PostgreSQL, the docs say "Copy command" which copies data from a file to the table.

In DB2, if data is of CLOB type, then separate file is created where CLOB data is kept. The main (data.csv) file contains references to CLOBs. How to import CLOB data in such cases? I searched on net but could not find any opensource tool from PostgreSQL.

Author:Chirota,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23271636/db2-clob-data-to-postgresql