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Firewall blocks access to grails repo

Ask Time:2015-07-03T09:13:18         Author:Cripto

Json Formatter

refresh dependencies fails due to firewall+proxy combonation.

The corporate IT is not going to make an exception. I have found that I can do a recursive wget on the repo url and generate duplicate their folder structure.

What can I do locally so that all developers can use this "mirror" by default?

If the above is not possible, where does grail usually put these files on a windows based installation?

Author:Cripto,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31197045/firewall-blocks-access-to-grails-repo
Michal_Szulc :

Try adding local repo to your BuildConfig and of course make it accessible over your LAN, or perhaps tell other devs to make their local cloned repos. The path to this local repo could be ENVARIONMENT_VARIABLE, too (that makes it fully customizable)\n\nrepositories {\n grailsPlugins()\n grailsHome()\n mavenCentral()\n mavenRepo('/path/to/my-local-maven-repo')\n}\n\n\nhttp://jdpgrailsdev.github.io/blog/2014/02/10/grails_maven_local_repo.html",