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3 or more dependent drop down using struts2

Ask Time:2014-05-20T04:07:48         Author:user3632940

Json Formatter

I am trying different ways to make a 4 dependent dropdowns. By selecting the first one populate 2 and on selection of 2nd popluate 3rd drop down and on selection of 3rd Drop down get the list of items for 4th drop down.

On doing the research I found this ONE close to what I am thinking. By this is normal jsp and ajax getting used. I am looking for a struts2 based and also this example uses multiple pages to get the list. Each list is based on a different jsp page.http://www.roseindia.net/answers/viewqa/Ajax/15250-DropDown-in-ajax+jsp.html

The strtus2 double select works pretty good but it is restricted to only two drop downs. Is there anyway we can extend that to more or or any tutorial or help is greatly appreciated.

Author:user3632940,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23746323/3-or-more-dependent-drop-down-using-struts2