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XSS/SQLi/Javascript (Server-side & Client-side buffer overflows)

Ask Time:2015-09-02T12:19:26         Author:Charles Mullen

Json Formatter

XSS/SQLi/Javascript (Server-side & Client-side buffer overflows)

Very interested in: XSS ~~> JavaScript ~~> Server-Side Buffer Overflow ~~> Remote Access SQLi ~~> Server-Side Buffer Overflow ~~> Remote Access (haven't done research about sqlmap's skeleton & example that doesn't work 100% of the time, needs updating & fixing up)

Client-side buffer overflows are something I can easily do research on although most of the payloads are outdated by now but I think some of the outdated JS code can be fixed up a bit so that it works with the latest technology & security. Anybody have any great resources, articles, writings, or books detailing server-side buffer overflows from XSS & SQL injections?

I don't know Javascript yet but I plan on learning these languages thoroughly and carefully with the intent of having a bird's perspective: JS, C, asm, PHP, Python at the bear minimum... Any resources you can redirect a brother in?

Much appreciated.

Author:Charles Mullen,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32344587/xss-sqli-javascript-server-side-client-side-buffer-overflows