Home:ALL Converter>Which file caused a header to be included?

Which file caused a header to be included?

Ask Time:2015-09-17T22:25:37         Author:Maciej Swic

Json Formatter

I just upgraded our project to watchOS 2 and i cannot build any more because apparently MGLMapView.h is now somehow included in the project. This is a header from MapBox-gl and it's not supposed to be used in the watchOS project at all.

I'm pretty sure some header included in the watchOS project includes another header file which in turn includes MGLMapView.h.

The problem is that i cannot figure out which file is causing this. Is there anything like a "show header include chain" feature?


Thanks Maciej

Author:Maciej Swic,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32632826/which-file-caused-a-header-to-be-included