Home:ALL Converter>How to pass touch event to another view under tableview?

How to pass touch event to another view under tableview?

Ask Time:2015-12-01T00:00:12         Author:KARTHIK.SETTY

Json Formatter

I have a scenario where I overlapped a view(pageViewController inside the view) with a uitableview with an offset of 130, and that uitableview is Transparent, only cells will be scrolled and visible.

My requirement is within this offset place of 130, I want to pass touch events to the view(pageViewController) which is below the uitableview and that view is not a superview(It is a sibling view) of table view but I overlapped it with tableview.

So is it possible to pass touch (Horizontal Swiping Event) to the view which is below the uitableview in the transparent area (Offset Area of 130); if yes, what I have to do for this?

This is where I need to pass touch (swipe) event to the page controller which is back of the tableview

Author:KARTHIK.SETTY,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34002738/how-to-pass-touch-event-to-another-view-under-tableview