Home:ALL Converter>SIGTSTP does not stop foreground process

SIGTSTP does not stop foreground process

Ask Time:2015-12-13T01:52:49         Author:Ali Can Üstünel

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I am trying to write subshell in linux with c. I am compiling it in normal linux terminal and run it like ./shell. However, I have trouble about Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-C. When I press the Ctrl-Z for example, it stops ./myshell, but I want to stop process which is in the myshell.

I am setting new process group after the for like:

int pid = fork();

if (!setpgid(pid, 0)) {

} else {
    perror("PGID Error: ");


After I check is there any & sign for background process I understand it is foreground process then I put new process into foreground then I am waiting the finish or stop of process with waitpid. Then I put terminal into foreground. In there I am using sigprocmask for SIGTTOU, otherwise when I try to put my shell again into foreground it stops backs to linux shell.


waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);

if (sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &intmask, NULL) == -1)
    perror("sigprocmask error: ");

tcsetpgrp(1, shellpid);

kill(shellpid, SIGCONT);

if (sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &intmask, NULL) == -1)
    perror("sigprocmask error: "); 

I have also signal handlers to avoid my_shell to terminate or stop. I am planning the stop or terminate just foreground processes with Control-Z and Control-C.

void handler_sigint(int signum)
    pid_t foregroundpgid=tcgetpgrp(0);

    if(foregroundpgid!=shellpid) {
        kill(foregroundpgid, SIGINT);

void handler_sigtstp(int sig)
    pid_t foregroundpgid=tcgetpgrp(0);

    if(foregroundpgid!=shellpid) {
        kill(foregroundpgid, SIGSTOP);

Control-C works very well but I have trouble with Control-Z. For example I start cat in my shell when I press Control-Z it just writes ^Z in the terminal does not stop foreground process. Please look at the picture

Author:Ali Can Üstünel,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34243079/sigtstp-does-not-stop-foreground-process