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Web Audio API and Audio Download and Protection

Ask Time:2015-12-30T21:54:42         Author:preston

Json Formatter

I'm reading a book about Web Audio API. In the book it states that to play and load a sound using the WEB AUDIO API, there are 4 steps that needs to be taken:

1.) Load the sound file with XHR and decode it. (Will end up with a 'buffer') 2.) Connect the buffer to audio effects nodes. 3.) To hear the sound, connect the last node in the effects chain to the destination. 4.) Start the sound.

My question is...given these 4 steps, is there a way for the user of the website that uses the Web Audio to download the audio/audios played on the website???

If so, how does one prevent this.

or does it being 'buffered' prevent it from being illegally downloaded?

I would like to find a way to protect the audio files I use inside my game/app that I put up on the webpage that are played with the Web Audio API.....

Thank you....

Author:preston,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34530925/web-audio-api-and-audio-download-and-protection