Home:ALL Converter>how to draw line with mouse clicks in elm?

how to draw line with mouse clicks in elm?

Ask Time:2016-01-12T07:50:37         Author:SwordW

Json Formatter

I am new to Elm and I really confused about the whole style and how it works

I want to draw lines with mouse clicks. Those line should be end to end. it means that after the first 2 clicks, I can add line to the graph with every click.

This should use sampleOn and foldp.

I really have no idea how to do it, Could some one help me?

Author:SwordW,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34733264/how-to-draw-line-with-mouse-clicks-in-elm