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EBS - Restore from Snapshot

Ask Time:2016-02-16T22:08:20         Author:JoeShmoe

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When restoring an EBS volume from snapshot can you use the latest snapshot only (i.e. the one with the last incremental block changes) and do you need to have kept all previous snapshots (including the orginal)?

This seems to suggest you can but want to check http://www.nimbo.com/blog/observations-ebs-snapshot-restore-behavior-aws/

So as an example, I have a RAID 0 with 4 EBS volumes I snapshot day 1. I take daily snapshots for several months with an S3 lifecycle policy that deletes snapshots after 1 month. Month 3 i want to restore these volumes to a day in month 2 to be used by a seperate instance. Will this work? Or do i need a history of all the snapshots?

Author:JoeShmoe,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35434745/ebs-restore-from-snapshot