Home:ALL Converter>Restoring snapshot to new EBS volume in Terraform

Restoring snapshot to new EBS volume in Terraform

Ask Time:2022-05-26T15:31:22         Author:e-on

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I'm looking at creating a disaster recovery script on AWS for restoring servers.

I've written the Terraform script to create a new EC2 instance, but I'd like to restore a snapshot from the old EBS volume to a new one and then attach that to the new EC2 instance.

I've been looking through Terraform though and can't see a way to restore a snapshot to a new volume, is it possible?

Author:e-on,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72388292/restoring-snapshot-to-new-ebs-volume-in-terraform