Home:ALL Converter>PostgreSQL bitnami Helm Chart does not update the user password

PostgreSQL bitnami Helm Chart does not update the user password

Ask Time:2022-05-26T11:44:47         Author:Morgan Soren

Json Formatter

When I deploy the Bitnami PostgreSQL Helm Chart (chart version 10.9.4, appVersion: 11.13.0), the passwords for any user are not updated or changed after the first installation.

Lets say that for the first installation I use this command:

helm install postgresql --set postgresqlUsername=rpuser  --set postgresqlPassword=rppass --set 
postgresqlDatabase=reportportal --set postgresqlPostgresPassword=password2 -f 
./reportportal/postgresql/values.yaml ./charts/postgresql

Deleting the Helm release also deletes the stateful set. After that, If I try to install PostgreSQL the same way but with different password values, these won't be updated and will keep the previous ones from the first installation.

Is there something I'm missing regarding where the users' passwords are stored? Do I have to remove the PV and PVC, or do they have nothing to do with this? (I know I can change the passwords using psql commands, but I'm failing to understand why this happens)

Author:Morgan Soren,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72386457/postgresql-bitnami-helm-chart-does-not-update-the-user-password