Home:ALL Converter>Read binary data from multiple files into an archive file and then extract them

Read binary data from multiple files into an archive file and then extract them

Ask Time:2016-03-16T09:31:42         Author:chenjie19891104

Json Formatter

I want to merge multiple files to one archive. and I used python 2.7 to do this. Here is my code:

the code to read binary data from every file(some is txt with utf8 and some is png or jpeg):

       for we in self.entries:
        with open(we['fullname'], 'rb') as f:
            data = f.read()
            if not data:
                print("mpq flush error. the file no data or error:"+we['fullname'])


this is ok, and all the binary data is archived into one file. and now I want to extract the archive, I do this like :

   def read_file(self, filename):

    if self._writable():
        print("curr mode is write, cannot read")
        return None

    entry = self._get_entry(filename)

    if not entry:
        print("the file is not in curr archive:"+filename)
        return None

    data = self.file.read(entry.file_size)

    if not data:
        print("file read error:"+filename)
        return None

    return data

def extract_file(self, filename):


    data = self.read_file(filename)
    if not data:

    targetFile = self._fullname(filename)


    with open(targetFile, 'wb') as f:
        f.write(data or b'')

def extract_all(self):

    for entry in self.entries:

every file extract success, but all data in every file extract is binary data, I want them to be what they are before.

I tried encode and decode, but not help~

anyone can help me ? thanks very much!!!

Author:chenjie19891104,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36025288/read-binary-data-from-multiple-files-into-an-archive-file-and-then-extract-them