Home:ALL Converter>layout autmated testing on different devices

layout autmated testing on different devices

Ask Time:2016-04-27T03:26:22         Author:PhoenixPL

Json Formatter

I'm looking for a way to check if a layout is shown on different devices correctly. I would like to specify e.g. one layout and after tests receive a set of pictures with result how the layout is displayed on a set of devices. It is my dream solution. Can be something similar. My main assumption is see how looks a layout on a lot of screens.

Does someone know a solution (tool) to test in this way?

Author:PhoenixPL,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36874045/layout-autmated-testing-on-different-devices