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Jupyterhub - How to share kernels accross users?

Ask Time:2016-02-10T20:29:22         Author:Romain Jouin

Json Formatter

I have set up Jupyterhub, and installed anaconda and created a jupyterhub kernel on my user's home directory, in :


How can I share this kernel accross all the users in my organisation ?

Of what I understand, jupyterhub spawn a new ipython notebook for each user, each notebook being on the user's home directory.

Should I really copy-paste the kernels into each of my team member in their home directory ? Or can we have a central point of declaration for the kernels. If so, how to do it ?

PS : We have an ldap server for login.

Author:Romain Jouin,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35315343/jupyterhub-how-to-share-kernels-accross-users