Home:ALL Converter>Can Firewalld work with the Docker Overlay Network?

Can Firewalld work with the Docker Overlay Network?

Ask Time:2016-05-19T08:21:48         Author:robert

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First, I create 2 docker hosts using the following settings:

# Firewall: firewalld
# OS: CentOS7
# IPs:

# Docker daemons:
/usr/bin/docker daemon -H fd:// -H tcp:// \
          --cluster-store=consul:// \
/usr/bin/docker daemon -H fd:// -H tcp:// \
          --cluster-store=consul:// \

Then, I create an overlay network:

docker network create -d overlay my-overlay-network

Then, I try to ping a container on Node2 from a container on Node1 using the hostname of the container:

# ssh
docker run --net my-overlay-network --hostname 10-10-2-4-container centos /bin/sh -c 'while true; do sleep 1; done'

# Start firewalld, and open ports on both machines
systemctl start firewalld 
/usr/bin/firewall-cmd \
  # Add Consul ports
  --add-port=8300/tcp \
  --add-port=8301/tcp \
  --add-port=8301/udp \
  --add-port=8302/tcp \
  --add-port=8302/udp \
  --add-port=8400/tcp \
  --add-port=8500/tcp \
  --add-port=8600/tcp \
  # Add Docker ports
  --add-port=2375/tcp \
  --add-port=7946/tcp \
  --add-port=7946/udp \

# From Node1. This fails! The hostname resolves correctly 
# to the right subnet and IP, but the ping packet doesn't return.
docker run --net my-overlay-network centos ping -c node2-container

# After disabling the firewall, it works fine.
systemctl stop firewalld # From
systemctl stop firewalld # From
docker run --net my-overlay-network centos ping -c 10-10-2-4-container

Basically, it looks like I can't ping my node when the firewall is on. The hostname appears to resolve correctly. How can I configure my firewall to work with Docker's overlay network?

Author:robert,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37312055/can-firewalld-work-with-the-docker-overlay-network